(Portrayal of the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost as three distinct beings in the Ethiopian Christian tradition. Photo by Richard E. Turley Jr., 2015.)
The Savior in His Great Intercessory Prayer, declared, “And this is life eternal, that they might know thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom thou hast sent” (John 17:3). During his famous April 1844 general conference address that has come to be known as the King Follett Discourse, Joseph Smith added, “If men do not comprehend the character of God they do not comprehend themselves.”
By Study
The first Article of Faith of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints declares: “We believe in God, the Eternal Father, and in His Son, Jesus Christ, and in the Holy Ghost.” (The Pearl of Great Price, The Articles of Faith 1:1.)
Study the following chapters from the Church manual Gospel Principles, which is available free online in electronic form or in hard copy for members at the Church’s online store and for anyone else here (the chapters listed below all have links to the online version) :
Chapter 1: Our Heavenly Father
Chapter 3: Jesus Christ, Our Chosen Leader and Savior
Chapter 8: Praying to Our Heavenly Father
By Faith
Knowing about God and knowing God are two different things. Those who spend their entire lives sterilely studying about God will never gain true spirituality. President David O. McKay—ninth president of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints—taught, “Spirituality is the highest acquisition of the soul, ‘the divine in man—the supreme crowning gift that makes him king of all created things.’ It is the consciousness of victory over self, and of communion with the Infinite. To acquire more and more power, to feel one’s faculties unfolding, and one’s soul in harmony with God and with the Infinite—that is spirituality. It is that alone which really gives one the best in life.”
Knowing God brings true joy in life.
Ask yourself whether you’ve ever had a spiritual experience. If so, try to remember it clearly. If not—or if not recently—ask yourself why not.
Study President David O. McKay’s statement about spirituality and ask what you need to do to increase your communion with God. Then read President Russell M. Nelson’s article “Grow into the Principle of Revelation” and learn to obtain your own. When you learn to commune with God, you will come to know Him better.